♡ about ♡

I want more experience making websites and I knew I wanted to make a cute one for this class. I love that I get to do something creative in a way that matches a visual aesthetic I really like.

I'm also currently obsessed with early 2000s internet culture, and I love love love the weirdness in stereotypical 90s webstes. I wanted to go for something a little less weird though, both so it'd be easier to read and in order to have enough time to actually do all of this.

So, hopefully this website is readable, and thank you for a great semester!

♡ how to use this site ♡

On the left, there are links to all the pages of artists I took notes on every week!!!

It's in chronological order from the top to the bottom!

There's also credits beneath the links to my notes that give credits to the resources I used for this website.
